Roald Dahl Fact File

A school project by Joseph Maslin

Hi! My name is Joseph Maslin and I have chosen Roald Dahl as the subject for this school project. I am in Year 5 at Langley Primary School in the West Midlands and we were asked to research a famous person from the 1950s to the present day. Why I chose Roald Dahl as my subject will, I hope, become obvious throughout the pages of this site. Please click on a link below to see what I found out!

Why Roald Dahl?

Where I did my research

Books by Roald Dahl

The basic facts

His childhood

Working for the Shell Oil Company

RAF pilot World War 2

America: the beginning

More writing

Marriage and being a Dad

The Writing Hut

What was he like

Random Facts

The Inventor

The writer dies


The final words ...

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